Lubian to A Gudiña - Steps and stones

I have entered the Autonomous Community of Galicia - and Santiago is the capital. Galicia has Celtic origins and a mystical quality. It is renowned for its green landscapes, ubiquitous mists and scenic vistas - and stonework.  Walls, buildings and pathways use local stone.  It is everywhere, including under my feet.  These boots might be made for walking but their soles and stitches are wearing thin.  I am feeling every stone.
Just a couple more weeks, dear boots,  that’s all I ask! At least the weather is looking dry and mid 20s for the next 10 days. I am happy about that.
This morning was cool. I dropped into the church on the way out.

Along the green lanes under the freeway.
I began the climb to the border.
Near the summit, I took the tunnel.
Out the other side was Galicia.
A wonderful vista opened up.
Innovative stone work appeared- great for path bridge building, and just the thing for periods of wet weather.
The walk into A Gudina was tedious, to be honest. My feet were not happy - they think downhill walking is awful- so do I.
Lots of stones as well as lovely views

The best part of the afternoon was arriving at the albergue. I was greeted by the hospitalera in the main street and escorted to the front door. It must have been my signature mid afternoon shuffle that attracted her attention.
The albergue has a new renovated location- it is impressive. 
Everyone from last night arrived and we decided to go out for dinner, 

Santiago is coming within reach, while I am focusing on each single day.
This restaurant mural even has an air conditioner - that would have been handy a few weeks back.
As the mural shows, Santiago is seven or eight sleeps away.


  1. Hard walking, enjoy the company and the last stages of the Way.

  2. Thanks I will try. It’s a beautiful sunny clear morning in the hills of Galicia . I’m enjoying the view. And walk

  3. Countdown is on!


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