Santiago to Alto da Pena - Reuniting with the tribe

After wandering for weeks, I have reunited with the tribe. Manuel, the hospitalero of the Albergue Alto da Pena welcomed me back. He is a Camino friend from years back.

I planned these final stages of my Camino weeks ago - ‘very unCamino Mike’ but it is working perfectly. I left Santiago with a grateful heart and an open mind

I had enjoyed my sauntering there - chocolate con churros at the Casino Cafe . . . and

dining at the Seminario Mayor, where I met Pat and Anne, an older couple from Portland, Victoria. They walked from Le Puy in France - 1500kms - amazing! We traded Camino stories, and laughed and shared a lot. It is wonderful to have met them.
After a breakfast farewell with Pat and Anne, and a lovely video call with my granddaughter, I was walking away from Santiago once more.

Before long, l met Helena from Barcelona and Jimmy from New York City.

Helena runs programs for people wanting to volunteer as hospitaleros, ‘Mike - I can recommend some people you should contact’ Hmmm, I thought. Jimmy has a friendly relaxed NYC vibe - We walked for a couple of hours. I hope to see them in Finisterre.

That is a flowering chestnut tree! I walked and walked and eventually arrived at Manuel’s albergue.

‘ Welcome Mike’  Manuel reserved the best bed for me, then said ‘ you know where everything is. When you settle in, come back and we’ll have a drink’.

I enjoyed a communal meal and played some guitar. People sang and danced - I was back with the tribe.


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