Zamora to Granja de Moreruela - Via del dia

Today was a day on the Via de la Plata - a route that runs from south to north across Spain. 
The revelry from yesterday’s festival left its mark. There were fireworks at midnight and some interrupted sleep. No matter the morning was bright and cool. Zamora used to be a walled city.
The signage was clear and I was soon in the countryside. Sunday morning walkers were out.
I was met by a horseman.
And walked past a solar farm for at least an hour. It is enormous..
Usual lunch of water, Coke, coffee and something to eat at a welcoming bar.
I was walking hard concentrating on the destination. Occasionally, I looked up.
Wide expanses and the occasional car filled the afternoon.
Eventually, I made it - happy to arrive.
I checked in at the bar.
The albergue is across the road and up the street- You can’t miss it - It’s the one with the washing.
There are three others here. We met back at the bar for dinner. It was fun to share stories for a change.
Long distances over the past few days. I am looking forward to a shorter day tomorrow. Feeling good!


  1. People!! At last, enjoy the company Mike. Lots to tell us when you’re home.

    1. That’s for sure so happy to have other people around even if you don’t walk with them during the day-It’s funny I’ve met you men over the last couple of days who have been walking Camino Levante.


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