Villa de don Fadrique to Tembleque - Windmill signals

Motionless windmills - there on the hillside. I thought how good it would be to stop for a while, as I walked into Tembleque this afternoon.

This morning I was uncertain how far I would go. Two weeks of walking every day takes a toll. I felt my feet, knees and mindset beginning to go awry. 
As my body warmed to the rhythm of walking  niggling aches disappeared, I appreciated the surroundings. Once used industrial lodgings . . .

Close by ageless rural houses.
At the next town, Villacanas, I glimpsed old friends as they sat on the park bench like bookends. 
People were out in the main Plaza. I stopped for an early lunch.
Then my sunglasses broke. I packed up anyway and thought I’ll get another pair at the next town.
Where I’ve been and where I’m going - all in one sign!
I still went off track and needed to walk through this paddock to get back to the road.

Cloud cover and thunderstorms in the distance lessened the sun’s heat.
I had organised tonight’s accommodation with Juan’s help so I decided there was no need to push. I took a break. 
Trucks and cars beeped support as I waved my sticks at them. Then the windmills appeared. . . .
I found my accommodation. The hospitalera came and opened up and I had a couple of beers at the bar next door. All very welcoming and convenient !

A little later in the bar, I watched a bullfight on television with some locals.
The bull lost. He was outnumbered - had no chance,
Like the windmills and the bull that started off so strong, I feel it is time for me to stop and take a break for a day or so. I have booked in for two nights - luxury!

I felt the signals - the break will do me good.


  1. Good on you for listening to your body and taking the time where you need it. Thinking of you! Xx

  2. 'Mindset beginning to go awry'. The vast plains and heat of La Mancha having an effect!! Were those windmills really there??? As San Don notes: 'Whether the pitcher hits the stone or the stone hits the pitcher, it’s bad for the pitcher.' Glad you are taking a rest day, those legs and feet look like they'd appreciate a good soak in the bath. Two days walking and you are in Toledo, an amazing old town, where you might want to rest another day. Salud amigo, enjoy the break.

  3. Hey Dad you’ve got this 👊 while you certainly have demonstrated feet of endurance, put em up for a couple of days, so you can continue this feat of endurance x

  4. Thanks folks- there’s a market here today. It’s so relaxing to not have a pack and just wander around the stalls picking up supplies. I hope the day passes slowly. Thanks for your support

  5. Happy resting intrepid adventurer. Love your blog as always. Fascinated to hear about the closed order. Stay safe. Xx. The Macs

  6. Your tenacity and humour shine through all trials and tribulations. The day of rest sounds perfect to restore your spirit and body. Enjoy! 😊 x


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