Escalona to San Martin de Valdeiglesias - Way different

Today had different weather and different moods. It was ‘way different’ to yesterday. The path was there and the signs were fine (most of the time) but there was something else . . . 

Feeling fresh when I stepped out. It was sunny. I walked through the city gate.. Escalona is a friendly town with history and style. I had been waiting for a distance check - Well, okay, one step at a time.
Familiar scenes from other places started to appear - like a flooded stream.
Tie your boots and socks around your neck and wade through (should have done that yesterday).
I met a horse,
and stopped for coffee at this restaurant.  The waitress almost cracked a smile. 
Whereas these street workers could not be more helpful. They even pressed the traffic lights and pointed where I should go.
Then a different but familiar Camino scene appeared.
Shaded lines, rock walls, distant landscape.
 I was being lifted into the hills.
Then after lunch, it started to rain.
Try closing a cattle gate in wet weather gear.

My pace was slow today. Wet weather does that. There were roadworks happening on the path -  that did not help.  The afternoon evolved into a slog.
Eventually, after another hour or two or three,  San Martin appeared.
Downhill is not kind to weary legs, but I got there.
This is the view from my hostel window. I was pleased to arrive as always;  it was a day of different moods and landscape and valleys and hills.
I will sleep well.


  1. On ya Miguel. You're getting there and heading for them there hills!! Some nice stages ahead - I hope!! Buen camino amigo.

  2. If I start to cry each time we meet. Just walk on by


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