Toledo to Torrijos- Rolling with the weather

Coffee, churros and a dry pair of socks set me up for the final stage. Monday traffic, trucks, rain and mud - it was a slow shuffle this morning. By the afternoon, things improved.
Slow descending toward a Toledo city gate. Steep slope, cool breeze, slippery path, careful steps.

To find the ‘other Toledo’ preparing for work. Taxis, bars , thoroughfares - just like a regular city.

The path followed the Tagus river for a while.
Then I began to ascend - adios Toledo! 
The road was busy with trucks coming and going. I needed to regularly step off the road, stop and start again. The reason was they were loading up at this plant.
After that, walking became a little more serene.
I walked by a country house that had horses
and stables - there did not seem to be a lot happening.
A casual morning tea stop suddenly turned into a quick raincoat donning - and it began to pour.
Trucks  reappeared - would you believe it? - drivers waved - I laughed (actually, no, I swore a bit but no one heard me - so did I really swear?). I got muddy boots.

The late lunch stop was a chance to re-gather. I had coffee, tortilla, another coffee and churros -  I changed my socks. I was ready to take on the final stage.

No walk in this country can be done without the occasional castle. 
Or a remodelled mosque.
For the first time since Valencia, my last two hours were faster than my first. I don’t know why, but my feet and my knees felt normal again- weird?.
I gave this roadblock staircase a miss -  inventive isn’t it. Like this street sign. . .
Michaels and white angels aside - Sancho could not wait to check in. I followed soon after.
This was a day I simply had to roll with the weather. You can’t change it and you can’t just stop. You need to keep walking. Things happen. Things get better.


  1. Indeed they do. Glad the feet and knees feel firm, fit and fast, even if the mud is slippery and slowing, and that churros is in good supply. I slept in a school in Torrijos (but maybe ate on the street outside where you are staying). Buen Camino Miguel ángel blanco, Neils

  2. It was great to see everybody at Tim‘s birthday at the beach hut and sing happy birthday across the world, Mike


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