Tabara to Santa Marta de Tera - Walking on sunshine

Well not actually walking ‘on sunshine’ - but ‘in sunshine’. This is going to be a factor over coming days. With temperatures in the 30s , it is just too hot to walk after lunch. I am taking the weather with me again.  Not a cloud to be seen.

I noticed they have put a high velocity rail line across the path that I used last time.  That’s progress.
Vineyards are timeless, in contrast.

I stopped for lunch on the bridge below the town. I am 
experimenting on ways of drying socks.

I have enough water, I am carrying light food - nuts and dried fruits. All set for the last assault.
What a welcome shelter - sorry, I did not  see it five minutes earlier.

I know it was hot, and I was a little stressed but I mean, really - stone markers should be clearer than this. The path has been littered with them. Grrrr!
Destination arrival around 2pm.
Siesta time - just managed to buy water before the shops closed. The Tera River valley is beautiful - tonight’s village is one of many on its banks.
Santa Marta Church is famous for having the earliest representation of Santiago the Pilgrim, dating from the 10th century- This is it..
You get a deep sense of religious history and spirituality here. The weathered stone carvings in the doorway have seen so much. 
The albergue check in went smoothly and we self-catered.

Everyone is watching the weather and not wanting to walk longer days, me included. It is just the way it is. We take the weather with us, and need to adjust to walking in sunshine


  1. Great photos Dad, looks very summery. A good summary

  2. Thanks I like to think the photos are anthemic

    1. Definitley, Mr Tufnell. From the time of the druids no doubt

  3. Looks like she was a bit suspicious of you, pilgrim. DC


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