San Martin de Val to Cebreros - Roadside rhythm

The path or the road? I needed to make a choice. First indications favoured the path.
That is a new post with fresh paint and the grass has been flattened - looking good.
Okay, so there’s a few weeds. But shortly after, the path turned to mush. My GPS looked flaky and the last thing I wanted to do was more frontier Camino walking. I needed to backtrack.
I decided to go roadside for a change. It was direct. It was solid and it was scenic.
The road passed some well to do properties.
Even an energy transition corporation campus.
The ‘low point’ of my morning was crossing Rio Alberche at the bottom of the valley. It was mostly downhill to there and uphill afterwards. 

The panorama opened up once more.
Streetscapes are important in giving visitors an impression as they come into town.

The people of Cebreros seem to take pride in their village - the Farmacia staff are friendly & helpful too.
Yes that’s right! My knees have been complaining lately, saying ‘Mike, please give us a break’. So I bought them a matching pair of compression bandages - they are working a treat so far.
An example of Camino spirit in this village. I like it.

Today had a relaxing rhythm (apart from my complaining knees) - the roadside in the morning and the siesta this afternoon.

The tourist office is just about to open up, which is great because I need a place to stay.

The helpful lady at the Tourist Office confirmed ‘yes-  there were no albergues in town’. Lucky I had bought bananas earlier in the afternoon.
She rang around and recommended this boutique hotel (at a special peregrino price). Sensational - I might stay on the Camino forever 🤔


  1. Glad you've got those knee guards Mike. On tomorrow's climb (I mean stage) you will appreciate them, I suspect. Buen Camino, Neils

  2. Good on you! And a boutique hotel, how swish! Soak it up!


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