Pueblo de Sanabres to Lubian - Climbing begins

Santiago must be getting closer - Hill climbing has begun and moss-covered stone walls are appearing.  The stone markers are counting down the kilometres.
The castle shone in the morning light as I left Pueblo de Sanabria.
Cool morning road walking for a couple of hours.
I passed restored stone buildings. There are builders that specialise in this - good to see.
A late breakfast stop before the climbing began.
I could see that it would be an up-and-down day.
I kept a steady slow pace.
and eventually made it to the tunnel at the top.
I made silly echoes inside the tunnel.
Time for lunch, I saw a bar - great!
Damn it was closed, so I improvised in some shade.
The view gave me a sense that there is more climbing to come over the next week or so.
As I descended, the path continued off road.
This landscape is so different to what I experienced in the early weeks.
The albergue was still a few kilometres away and I could hear a distant thunderstorm brewing- I could see it in the sky too.
I made it safe and dry to the albergue. I found there were Camino friends from days ago, plus a father and son who had walked all the way from their home in Cadiz on the southern coast of Spain.
We bought groceries, and prepared and shared dinner. Afterwards we played and sang. Andrea and her boyfriend played Asturian Celtic music- it was fabulous.
Today everyone is walking to A Gudina. We are all staying in the same albergue - it will be another fun night.


  1. Those shots of that greenery look like something out of an enchanted forest story!

  2. They do- and they are actually greener than they look on the photo

  3. The forest walking looks a little safer than that narrow path in the tunnel…DC

  4. Good you got through that narrow path in the tunnel to the lush trails through the forest


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