Mora to Toledo - Kind weather, testing path

Clouds and thunderstorms swirled around me all day. What a relief it was to be walking in cooler weather.
Mora was quiet this morning - only one or two bars open. I shuffled past. I was on a mission.
Forecasts seemed right - it was cool and cloudy. I hoped it would stay that way.
The first town had a church (no surprises there) with a castle right next door. There is  a story of conquest and reconquest, as well as mosque-church remodelling,  there I am sure.
Different cultures and different religions have had dominance over these regions for centuries. On the other hand , there have been long periods of peaceful coexistence. Some parts of today’s world could learn from that.  The stories these church doors could tell.
This morning I was uncertain how the day would unfold. It took a couple of hours for me to feel confident in my walking rhythm. I knew I was walking slow and had a long way to go.
The path was varied and difficult in parts. I walked closer and closer to these castle ruins.
I was surrounded by undergrowth at times.
I walked through a posh vineyard estate. 
Just after I stopped for morning tea . . .
A snake crossed my path!
And then - guess what! It began to rain.
This was lunch- sitting on a rock in the rain. 
Not all that glamorous. Neither was the coffee stop at the next town. Look carefully to see the ghost in the machine. 
By early afternoon, I was confident I would make it to Toledo in reasonable time so I took a rest at a bus stop.
The invisible man - Not long after I glimpsed distant views of Toledo.
And down into the valley, I went. I passed numerous beautiful historic country mansions named after Saints and eventually came to the river.
I saw the beautiful strategic positioning of this world heritage city. 
I even mingled with and shuffled through several bus loads of pigeons. 
Bridges needed to be crossed and that last climb to the city centre was a killer..
The architecture blended from different traditions is so striking.

Just below the Plaza Mayor, I came across Miguel Cervantes. He does not look a day over 400; sorry I cannot say the same about me after today’s walk. 
I found the backpackers, although I think I was the only one with a backpack. I got cleaned up and went out for dinner, satisfied and tired after a long day.

On reflection there is no way I could have done this walk yesterday in the heat. I made the right decision yesterday. The weather was kind today. I am grateful.

Looking forward to a good sleep. - With a bit of sightseeing tomorrow


  1. Well done amigo. Toledo will refresh you in body, mind and spirit. That's an amazing achievement crossing the plains of La Mancha in the heat. There are hills ahead. Cooler...possibly?? Beun Camino. Neils

  2. Good going! Definitely the right call to wait for the cooler weather!


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