Granja to Tábara - Albergue beyond compare

Jose is one of the best hospitaleros on the Camino - it was wonderful to see him again. He has run the albergue in Tabara for years - along traditional lines with communal meals and his beautiful reflections on the meaning and history of the Way.
Tabara was the destination this morning. I needed to choose the path to Ourense - the alternative to Astorga would take me to the Camino Frances - appealing, since Astorga has nice chocolate, but Tabara offered the chance to catch up with Jose and reconnect.
Now I know I almost promised no more shots like this, but this is different. Look closely. There is another person up there. I am not alone.
I am now on the Camino Sanabres to Santiago.
Today’s walk took me to some beautiful places.
Even some rock climbing at times.
Back on the high plateau.
And shaded gullies.
The paths were straight and mostly direct. This was important because the temperature was rising.
Lunch was a chance to reset, dry socks, and press on.
The approach to Tabara was green and shady.
The albergue is just as I remember it - except with renovated bathrooms and dormitories- wonderful.
Got the washing done. 
Time to get the guitalele out, relax, and have a beer.
The evening meal is being prepared right now. The aroma drifting from the kitchen is sensational..

The meal was a delight- served by the man himself.
A good night!


  1. Look at all those people at the dinner table! :)

    1. I know- it was a culture shock, four different nationalities to boot!

  2. I’m sure that generous serve was welcome. DC


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