Cebreros to Avila - Sunrise . . . sunset

Daylight hours were filled with walking - Before sunrise to almost  sunset. Ascending and descending and then ascending and descending again, and walking ‘even and flat’ into the setting sun toward Avila. 
Longest Camino walking day ever, not in distance, but in time. Pace slows when you clamber up hills and shimmy down them. I knew what I was in for. That is why I started early.

Out the door, up the hill, and past the pharmacy - so glad I dropped in there yesterday. The climb began and the morning views became more spectacular.
Cool temperatures and the shadows were long.
When I reached the plateau, I kept on walking, feeling good. I did not see the arrow because it was covered with grass. I needed to backtrack. Arrows might be found anywhere . . .
Or nowhere. Across the open fields, you can choose your own adventure. 
Cattle tracks which go everywhere - and the Camino path were difficult to distinguish. One eye on my GPS, another on the ground ahead, and occasionally scanning for farm life, kept me occupied.
Cattle gates with unusual designs surrounded by blackberry bushes where another feature of the walk. I felt a bit prickly at times. No bull!
Hey mum, there’s a human in our backyard!
I found myself sidetracked again and needed to walk cross country for a while - like really cross-country.
Diversions take time and it is slow going. Back on track again, the granite formations were spectacular. 
Eventually, it was time to descend to the first village.
I restocked with water and had encouraging conversations with locals. After lunch, it was up hill again - Choose your own path if you can find one.
And keep an eye out for friendly cattle.

I was way,  way behind time when I got to the village of Tomadizos de Avila, my last stopover point. I shuffled into the bar. The bar manager was so helpful. She rang my accommodation and got the after hours entry instructions. It was such a relief.
It was another couple of hours, but the walking was much easier. I got into town and up the hill (of course) and into the old town just after 9 o’clock.  
I checked myself in, had a shower, changed, and went and had some tapas.

It was a long day. I went up, I went down and I got there in the end. I had the best sleep. I am ready for a casual sightseeing day.


  1. Wow! How are those knees??

  2. My knees are surprisingly fine. The compression bandages worked a treat.

    1. Good news, Mike. Things flatten from here as I'm sure you can see from the map and app, more like stretches of La Mancha. I hope the weather remains mild for you.


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