Avila to Gotarrendura - Company at last!

Would you believe it! There are other people out here as crazy as me. Today I met two pilgrims - one from Switzerland, the other from Italy. We are sharing the albergue at Gotarrendura. 
Washing is on the line. The bunks are made and the local bar manager is expecting us for dinner around 8 pm - just like a regular Camino.

As I left the hostel this morning, I was uncertain about how far I would get and where I would stay. Efforts to book accommodation had been unsuccessful.  I was nervous and ready to be surprised. I walked out the city gate anyway.

Heading north, I had the early morning sunlight casting my shadow self to my left.

The path and countryside opened up as I climbed.

A herd of cows appeared. I needed to share the path.
The herdsman and I exchanged greetings and spoke about Australia, the Camino and livestock (at least I think we did)

The next village had an intriguing street name- it encapsulated the tenuous vibe of the day . . .

at least as far as feet and knees are concerned.

A familiar Camino scene was around the corner.

The open plains reappeared.
I felt more comfortable with a general idea of where I was heading. Even these monoliths transported from Easter Island brought me solace,
With still no certainty of where and how the day would end, I walked towards Gotarrendura- the birthplace of Teresa de Avila. She looked pleased to see me.
I headed for the town hall. It was closed. The guide said this village had no shops and that the bar was closed on Mondays- things were not looking good. Then I heard children playing. The sound was coming from the bar. It was open. Thankyou La Santa!
I entered the bar - and, and, and met a peregrino! 
We had lunch together- shortly after I met another in the nearby albergue. Later we came back to the bar. I brought my guitalele.
The bar manager’s children joined us,
We had a fun time.
New Camino friends - 
The day ended with some delightful surprises


  1. Pilgrim company at last! That’s fantastic Mike. Something to strum and sing about. I hope you get a tour of Santa Teresa’s house. Enjoy that dinner and company. Buen Camino, Neils

  2. Hooray for fellow peregrinos!! Hopefully more to come! Love the shadow photo by the way :-D

  3. Finally other Pilgrims!

  4. That shadow photo is fantastic 👌🏼

  5. Do they enjoy the Beatles? Dave


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