Santiago to Finisterre- Travelled to the edge

After Santiago there was one more place to go- Finisterre- the ‘finish’ of the ‘land’ - to travel to the edge. Finisterre is the most westerly point of Spain - in ancient times, if you sailed too far toward the horizon it was thought you might fall off. Yikes!

I left the spires of Santiago Cathedral behind three days ago. It was good to get out and walk again. The weather was mostly fine and the path was green -

and muddy at times.

It was familiar territory as I had walked this way in the past. I knew the albergues. It felt good to know where I was going for a change!

I made it back to the coast yesterday. 

Next stop - the beach at Finisterre.

The hospitalera at Cabo do Vilar hostel thought she recognised me and insisted I take the top floor apartment - with this beautiful view overlooking the village. Lovely!

For one more time, I took my pack and headed out to Cape Finisterre about 3kms away- ground zero- I had traveled to the edge.

Only a couple of days left before heading home- I am looking forward to it!


  1. So glad to hear you made it to Finisterre, Mike. You're looking good too - fit, thoroughly washed and now drying!! I rested on that same milestone not so long ago, it's a special moment. And now, the long trip home. Looking forward to reflecting together soon on the via Ginninderra. Te honro peregrino - esfuerzo valiente! Neils

  2. Gracias amigo mío. Caminamos solos por el camino, pero no podemos hacerlo solos.- that’s the truth thanks everyone ❤️


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