A Lagoa to Sobrado - Closing in on Santiago

In two days I plan to arrive in Santiago. Just two stages left - tomorrow it’s on to Arzua where the Camino del Norte merges with the Camino Frances, and from there it’s on to Santiago.

The albergue at A Lagoa was home style- comfortable and family run.. Good memories as I left to walk into the Galician mist.

It drizzled all day - the landscape was filled with water.

And slate - just above and below the surface.

I had lunch with Eric at a bus shelter.

The destination today was the monastery at Sobrado. There is a lake nearby. 

The path was flat and well marked.

The grandeur of the monastery was apparent from a distance.

We passed through the archway and checked in.

It was still raining but it was possible to take some shots in the evening light.

Here’s something you haven’t seen before- my transient bedroom! 

Things to note: bottom bunk is the way to go; if the top is free- great - use it for temporary storage; put anything resembling a hook to good user; plug your phone in asap to recharge; fit the paper sheet and pillow slip and your sleeping sheet/bag.; and stow your pack somewhere handy as you’ll need water through the night. 
Then have a shower and go to dinner.

Off we trudged and found a restaurant just outside the monastery walls- we enjoyed local traditional dishes.

And each other’s company. 

From Sobrado it’s a solid two days walk - 60kms to Santiago..
So having similarly peculiar people helps keep spirits high.


  1. Closing in, yes. And what a day. So good to have the camaraderie of fellow pilgrims and the ever moving pilgrim community. I love that photo of you all walking in the evening drizzle - very evocative. Buen Camino, Neils

  2. Pilgrims in the mist!!


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