Ribadesella to Villaviciosa - I’m on the road to nowhere

I didn’t intend to end up at Villaviciosa this evening but that’s what happened - and I feel so good about it.
I missed the turn to my intended destination and when I checked the apps (yes multiple ones ๐Ÿค“) I realised the best thing was to simply press on to where the accommodation was (that is Villaviciosa). 
Plus, it was getting dark - on Halloween ๐ŸŽƒ- what could possibly go wrong? To keep my spirits high I hummed to myself ‘I’m on the road to nowhere- ha ha’. . . and sure enough- I got there or here - not sure..

Ages ago I left Ribadesella. Totally unaware how today would unfold.

And I headed to the beach as dawn broke

Then turned left towards the forested hillsides and the hinterland villages and hamlets. 

Wow - there it was.  I knew I was heading west in northern Spain.

These structures, called horreos, usually adjoin country homes and are used to keep important foodstuffs like chocolate and Rioja wines away from peregrinos, Apparently they can also  be used to preserve and protect corn and other grains from rodents (and peregrinos)

More beach, and reminders  of how special the Norte has been over the centuries. 

In recent years 

And in times  past - this is the Puentes de Guenu - from the 12th century (and the rogue strap from my pack ๐Ÿ™„)

Nutritious lunch of Caesar salad, water and an orange at Colunga

Then up the hill - all the leaves are (turning) brown ๐ŸŽถ

These buildings are so evocative- empty isolated and full of stories 

The Church at the crest of the hill - this is seriously a 10th century world heritage area. 

Then at the plateau, it rained for a while - i donned my hobbit coat and found shelter in the valleys and brooks below.

While overhead - there was a freeway!! - Spain have done this brilliantly (with European Community support )

Then I lost my Way ๐Ÿ™„

I think that’s where I’m headed- maybe the next albergue will be open 

You’re kidding! - ok - so it’s getting late - ‘I’ve got a half bag of water, it’s another 6 kms to Villaviciosa, and I’m wearing sunglasses ๐Ÿ˜Ž’ 

I made it! - I’m so happy - much better than sleeping between the crumbling walls of a medieval‘hospital’

Btw - Villaviciosa is a key spot in Camino terms - it’s near where the. Norte route connects with the Camino Primitivo (the legendary first Camino) 
I’m planning on continuing on the Norte but who knows what tomorrow brings 


  1. Hey Mike, what a day. Loved hearing about it. Sleep well and may the right route open up to you tomorrow. BC Neils

  2. All the leaves are green and the sky is blue. Could be a song in that. Love reading about your journey. Chris

  3. Thanks Neils and Chris - it’s working ๐Ÿ‘

  4. Hey Mike. New backpack?

  5. Yikes! I still can’t believe sometimes the albergues are closed or full and you just keep pressing on. Inspiring xx


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